Saturday, December 7, 2013


They say a pictures is worth a 1,000 words. Look at our smiles, PRICELESS!!

Your FAITH Farms starter herd

Today, a group of Brothers and their Families stepped out on FAITH. Do we know everything there is about farming and raising animals, absolutely "no", however, with FAITH the size of mustards seeds we collectively can move mountains. By pooling our resources we purchased 4 cows and 4 calves. Through the assistance and guidance from Wayne "Chip" Swanson and Swanson's Family Farm, we selected the rare Georgia Pineywood Breed. To learn more about this breed, you can check out the links on our page. Thanks Chip and Family. Stay Tuned. 

It is Official

Signing the official paperwork. Thats right, we are official "Livestock" owners. So glad my son (Si) was able to witness the transaction (planting seeds in his mind).

You can tell we are rookies here, all of us have sticks in our hands, just in case. lol

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Another visit, solidifying the vision.

Another visit to Swanson's Family Farm. Brought some additional Brothers this time to share what I learned from Chip and the vision. Stay tuned. 

Baby Girl(Ishlah selfie)

We also went to check out a farm (500 acres). Testing the water!!!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

First Visit

Spent a little time with frat Wayne Swanson and his family farm. So inspiring and proud of brother. He shared so much wisdom with us Leroy Johns Muhammad. This is the time to do what must be done. Stay tuned.